Experiencing nature in the Netherlands

If you want to experience nature in the Netherlands you have come to the right place at Unplugged Outdoor! Our motto is not for nothing: devices off, nature on! You can register with us as an individual, as a duo or as a group. We also offer various trips away for you and your child(ren ).

Experiencing the beautiful nature in the Netherlands

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Nature in the Netherlands is very beautiful. If you really want to experience nature, you don't have to travel far. The Netherlands has several national parks that showcase wildlife, stunning views and natural beauty. Discover with us how beautiful our little chilly country really is! The adventure in nature is there for the taking, so to speak, will you join us?

Making choices when it comes to experiencing nature in the Netherlands is not very difficult. We focus mainly on the North Brabant region and have plotted several wonderful weekends and day trips there.

Click here to view our travel offerings.

Outdoor Cooking

How can you experience nature in the Netherlands even more intensely than you already do on our trips anyway? By cooking outdoors, of course! We even organize an OutdoorCooking Weekend. In this we will cook culinary meals together in the wilderness. The best of both worlds, if you ask us 😉 .

This entire weekend takes place in nature and in addition to outdoor cooking, you will learn some basic survival skills. These include fire making, butchering a fish, woodcrafting and gaining knowledge about which plants and fruits are edible.

Is your interest piqued? Then click here for more information!