Unplugged Outdoor

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Burned out, exhausted, sluggish, empty, burnout. On social media you don't come across these terms as much; there it seems like the sun is always shining. But this sun shines deceptively. Behind all the scenes, burnouts are popping into the world. The OFF button can no longer be found for many of us. Nature is becoming more and more of a foreign bird, and about our ancestors' skills of living in nature we read only in history books. The lion's share of our time is spent inside, when "being outside" makes us so much happier, healthier and more creative mentally and physically. But everywhere you look, adults and children are playing less outside. Here we are talking about "play" in its broadest sense: the freedom to follow your own curiosity. To seek, discover, try and create. That's why we reconnect you with nature, with yourself and offer you a way back to your roots.

Unplugged Outdoor creates a place in nature where you unwind and regain your footing. Literally. You press your OFF button and go out with us to discover, meet and be yourself. Simpler living, less stuff, more nature: a happier you.

Team Unplugged Outdoor

Profile photo Jim

Jimmy Mol

Founder and Wilderness, Hiking & Backpacking Guide

Ik houd van survivallen, van de Great Outdoors en quasi overleven in de natuur. Bushcraft is daar een goed voorbeeld van. Niets is leuker dan in de buitenlucht in een bos primitief zien te overleven. Het maakt je hoofd leeg en je krijgt respect voor de natuur. Nederland heeft zijn mooie plekjes natuur, maar geen uitgestrekte ruige gebieden zoals in Spanje of de Balkan landen, waar je echt dagenlang kunt struinen in de natuur. Maar voor onze Unplugged Weekenden hebben we een topplek weten te vinden middenin de bossen waar je toch zeker urenlang kunt dwalen. En tijdens onze reizen vergeet jij de tijd en voelt het alsof je echt even ver weg bent van de 21e eeuw en het moderne Europa.

Normaliter gaat alles als een sneltrein voorbij, zitten onze agendaโ€™s vaak te vol en lijkt status steeds belangrijker te worden. Om je hieraan te helpen ontsnappen wil ik graag in de natuur bezig zijn, samen met jou.ย 

In mijn periode bij het Ministerie van Defensie werd ik al voorbereid op survival skills en om leiding te geven aan groepen. Inmiddels ben ik gecertificeerd Hike & Survival instructeur, Wilderness en Hiking & Backpacking Guide en ik beheers verschillende technieken voor outdoor & bushcraft. Door mijn vele reizen en ervaringen in de horeca ontbreekt het mij niet aan organisatietalent, doorzettingsvermogen en lef.ย  Houd jij ook van een nieuw avontuur en gastvrijheid? Dan ben je bij mij aan het juiste adres en ga ik graag met je op pad!

Profile photo Gerty

Gerty Verdaasdonk

Founder & Wilderness Guide en Outdoor Cooking Baas.

The feeling of pursuing my dreams and following my passion has become much stronger after my burnout. One of my passions is to be busy in nature. Outdoor sports, taking a nice hike, but also cooking primitively on an outdoor fire and putting something delicious on the table. I think that's simply cool to do. Through the hectic pace of the day, I unwind in nature, unplug myself from the outside world and come home recharged. In addition, I get inspiration from meeting new people and I like to share my own experiences to help what anyone may encounter in everyday life. I naturally enjoy working with my hands and letting my creativity run wild.

I believe in living in an overly busy and hurried society, which also makes me feel rushed at times and feel like I have to keep all the balls in the air. I'm an outdoorsy person, but can't escape being largely indoors and crawling behind a screen. Not to mention using social media. Of course, social media has become an integral part of the society we live in. In fact, it has proven to be a useful tool during the coronacrisis to get and stay somewhat in touch with family or friends. We use it to be able to be "social. But as important as social media is, I am convinced that when you go 'offline' and get out into nature, you become more self-aware and in touch with your own needs and get back to the essence of life. So I challenge you, unplug yourself!


Outdoor buddy & inspiratie bron

I have absolutely nothing to do with the so-called unplugging, unwinding and being less present on social media. After all, I sleep at least half the day and don't worry so much anyway. However, I am always super happy when I can go out and have an adventure, because I am and always will be a pack animal. I love to be with people and to play all day long, until I literally and figuratively fall down. Running through the woods, seeing if there is anything to spot, jumping in the puddles and romping through the mud: drive me crazy! Oh yes, nibbling kibble and getting something tasty also makes me very happy. Actually, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. I am already running ahead, follow me!

Join us on an adventure and frantic outdoor play!ย