Survival | Unplugged Outdoor teaches you the basics (18+)

Survival* = survival. What do you do when you're out in nature and disaster strikes? Heavy thunderstorm and your canoe flips over. Fellow adventurers lost, but they have the tent. Injured and you can no longer walk. Now what? Unplugged Outdoor teaches you the basics of survival. We won't literally throw you in the deep end, but we'll teach you the basics and super handy skills. Step one we'll give away in advance: don't panic. Sounds silly, but it's really necessary! Join us and start learning how to survive. Being able to save yourself in the bush. That is the ultimate feeling of being connected with yourself and nature.

During our weekends, our certified Hike & Survival instructor Jimmy will teach you skills that will keep you safe and protected. All focus on yourself, the wilderness and keep your head up. It is even a form of unwinding, because the outside world (city, work, devices) does not participate for a while.

What survival skills, among others, will you learn?

Making fire without lighter or matches
Creating a dry sleeping place with natural materials
Foraging (partly) together
Making 'tools' using knife and axe

What will you experience when you learn the basics of survival from us?

Physical exertion
Mental relaxation
Unplugging to the max!

What is the difference between Survival & Bushcraft

Survival skills teach you how to handle an emergency situation in nature. Bushcrafting teaches you how to stay in nature voluntarily for as long as possible.

For more info on the Unplugged Outdoor offerings: click here

Unplugged Outdoor creates a place in nature where you unwind and regain your footing. Literally. You press your OFF button and go out with us to discover, meet and be yourself. Simpler living, less stuff, more nature: a happier you.

Discover the outdoor lifestyle and go active & offline into the weekend.
Do yourself a favor and join us! Offline is the new luxury.

To know more, check the travel calendar here!